Contact Us

AAIR Systems Technologies Inc

250 Old Webster Rd
Oxford, MA 01540

Holden # 508-829-7740
Shrewsbury # 508-842-0555
Toll Free # 800-564-7740

Emergency Service Available

Contact us now! An AAIR Systems representative
will get back to you within 24 hours.

We are proud to offer service in and around the following communities:

Princeton * Rutland * Jefferson/Holden
W. Boylston * Boylston * Paxton
Northborough * Southborough * Westborough
Shrewsbury * Worcester * Leicester
Spencer * Sturbridge * Southbridge
The Brookfield’s – West North East Brookfield & Brookfield
Charlton * Dudley * Oxford
Douglas * Uxbridge * Northbridge
Upton * Millbury * Sutton
Grafton * Auburn

~Financing Options Available (contact us for more info)